
Peeps! Peeps! I love my Peeps!
Emma coloring with candy!
Aww..Flynn is kinda super cute!

I loved how she had this basket around her neck! LOL
The usual suspects lined up Easter morning. We had woke to freshly fallen snow outside and no baskets inside! The Easter bunny had left a few movies and one plastic egg for each child. The eggs contained clues that sent the girls in a hunt all through the house in search of more eggs that revealed new clues till they finally were led to their baskets! It was a fun alternative to going out in the snow and the girls loved it! What a smart rabbit!

Sorry that I'm such a pathetic blogger lately. I'm not sure what's up with that! I guess we really are just a very boring family so there isn;t much to blog about. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. You pick. And our Easter photos that we took were taken with no flash on so they are less than wonderful. I'm going to post a few, but I'm warning you in advance..they are nothing spectacular! Sorry!


Fun is what is expected from you and once again you delivered!
I loved the pictures! The little girls are getting so big!!!!