Spencer Gooch and the awful C word.

Why do kids get cancer? Why???? WHY???? The little boy above is a little boy named Spencer Gooch. Spencer was diagnosed with a Rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a malignant tumor in his parapharyngeal space on February 2, 2010. He is currently undergoing aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatments. About a month ago at Target with the twins I saw a woman who had an adorable handbag in her cart.
It was very similar to the above bag that is pictured. I liked it so much I stopped and ask her where she purchased it. (Luckily for me, but maybe not for others lol, I'm friendly and have no problem talking to complete strangers) In this instance she said oh yeah, my friend makes these bags to help support a friend of ours who has cancer. I thought ok, great and she rattled off a blog address so I could look them up later. I went out to my car and entered the address into my blackberry notes so I could look it up later. I forgot about it until today and I have wept all morning reading the posts about Spencer and his courageous battle against cancer! You can read the blog here. I highly recommend it, but grab a box of Kleenex. You'll need it.

Being there and reading about it just made me wonder why things like this have to happen. I hate to hear stuff liek this and it makes me wonder why? Why do beautiful children have to suffer? I know he is probably teaching people lessons that they need to learn, but I can't help wishing there was another way. I pray for this little boy and his family and encourage you to get a bag! They are a worthy cause and so worth the money! I hope that the Lord blesses those that are suffering and I thank Him that all of my children are so far, healthy and know how fast things can change. It's just a reminder of how quickly perfect can change and how disruptive and heartbreaking that quick change can be. I'm so grateful today for what we have been blessed with up until now.

Keep fighting Spencer! You're worth it!

Also, this is the blog for you to order your very own Lolly bag!


Mellie, once again your sweet, soft heart is showing! You are the best!!!