Identity crisis...FAIL

I admit that when they were tiny they did look somewhat similar but somewhat is all I would say about that. As we have learned in previous posts these are "Turtle Twins" not identical. (That directly according to Jillian) But Jillian doesn't understand the idea that she does not resemble her sister adequately enough to pretend to be her or try to fool us into believing it. When I learned they were fraternal twins I knew I would never deal with the whole them switching places scenario and have to say I was pleased. It would be one less thing for my scatterbrained, blonde, self to live in fear of. However, yesterday every time I called Jillian, for whatever reason, she would not come or respond. After screaming at the top of my lungs, repeatedly kindly and sweetly searching for her, I would get a response like this, "I'm not Jillian. I'm Becca!" said like a devil angel.

Uh - I think someone forgot to tell her, in twin heaven, or whatever, that she can't do the whole "identity swap bit" as a fraternal twin? It won't fly. At the very least, she has been misinformed. This DOES NOT work. This fact however did not seem to deter her in the very least. The identity crisis is still in play this morning....SIGH

Do they look that much alike to you? NO!This isn't going to work out for you sweetie! Find a new gag!



I was over at Lisa's page (Crazy Adventures in Parenting) and saw you were also a Mommy of six.
I just wanted to swing by and say Hello!

You have a beautiful little family!

Have a great day!
Melony said…
Hi Lilith! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to come back! :)
Well, if you keep dressing them alike they must be identical. You have been the one to disturb Jillian's thought pattern! LOL
i'm erin. said…
dang...that is too bad. The best part about being a twin is being able to swap. Of course I wouldn't know because I am not a twin...or maybe I am...muah ha ha ha.
Nikki said…
That is so funny. I'm glad you recorded it for posterity's sake. What a funny little memory when they're all grown to share with them!

Now as far as getting her to stop, I'd say something like, "Mommies know everything. You cannot fool me." Me kids are so naive still. It would work for us. lol